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Jonas Brøg Offers His Reflective Approach To Love

Emerging songwriter/producer Jonas Brøg hails from Denmark and has quite the record as an artist. Already traveling worldwide as a drummer, Jonas Brøg realized he wanted to be involved in much more regarding the music industry.

We're happy with this decision that Jonas has made here. He's already releasing his music, which tells a story from the point of view we may only sometimes be inclined to look from. One of Jonas Brøg's recent works, "That Feeling," has recently debuted and carries that introspective mindset we mentioned, but this time, focusing on an all too familiar feeling: love.

"That Feeling" initially unravels itself with soft and mystical instrumentals. Soon enough, Jonas Brøg's vocals enter the track, and they're just as smooth and velvety as the rhythm. Jonas Brøg is a timider when executing his vocal soundings, contributing further to the intended melody. You're getting yourself into a comfortable and flexible listening experience with "That Feeling." More so on the lyrical side of Jonas Brøg's track, "That Feeling" delves into the intimate sensations that love and admiration can impart to an individual. Jonas Brøg is melting our hearts with "That Feeling" because the emotions he describes throughout the track can accurately resonate with many listeners, including ourselves.

It's stirring to follow along with Jonas Brøg's story and life experience in "That Feeling," which urges our curiosity for what anecdote we'll be hearing next from Jonas Brøg. For now, "That Feeling" satisfies our appetite.

Thanks for talking with us about your newly released single "That Feeling." Considering the emotional significance a song like this holds, was it easy to curate the lyrics for such a track? Tell our readers a bit more about your intentions behind this reflective track.

Thanks for listening to my song! I’m having this thing lately where I feel that life is going way too fast, so this song is a reminder to slow down, really take in the moments we are given, look at our loved ones, and let them feel that we are here in the now with them. I think it’s one of the best gifts there is to give someone, your full attention right there, but it’s also one of the best gifts you can grant yourself. We are just here for a very little time, so I wanna slow down a little, “before we grow old, slow down”. What initially urged you to grow and expand your artistry into the songwriting and singing aspect of music? Looking back within the last 18 months since you've expanded, would you do anything differently?

What I should have done differently is very clear to me, not only in the last 18 months, but rather in the last 10 years or so; I should have made my life way more simple, like cutting out the noise more, fewer screens in my life, less tv, social media, fewer emails, but more reading of great books, and more dinners with friends, more traveling, less on-line, but more real-life, build up memories, walk more in beautiful nature, and enjoy life more vs working so darn much. I have a tendency to fill my life with trying to be better better better, to an obsessive degree. I’m learning many things about life these days.

"That Feeling" really is the kind of track we want to listen to when we're in need of a contemplative or meditative mindset. What kind of ambiance were you personally intending to set for listeners with this song?

I’d say you should grab your loved one, and have a little dance together, slowly and gently, in the evening, or in the middle of the day, tell him or her how much he or she means to you, and just move from one leg to the other, like in slow-motion, holding each other tight, like you are one. I’d say that’s the best way to hear this song! Thanks again, Jonas Brøg! It was a treat to hear more about your perspective on "That Feeling". Do you intend to release more tracks similar to "That Feeling", or should listeners expect a shift in atmospheres with your next release?

Thank YOU for listening! I’m just finishing my next song, called "My Fathers Hand". It’s a tad more uptempo with a bit more powerfull track, but still, I sing it rather ‘intense-relaxed-in the moment’ sort of way, honestly because when I try to sing out loud it sounds terrible haha. So I’m keeping my voice in the soft zone. That’s what I’m up to at the moment. Thanks for having me, a big hug from Amsterdam!

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