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Kaylee Rutland steals Our Hearts with “Kiss Me Like You Miss Me”

Kaylee Rutland is a contemporary country singer and songwriter who's career continues to blossom. In 2012, she released her first self-titled EP and a single with Jamie O'Neal and Colt Ford called "Into The Circle." She was soon recognized by Billboard Magazine as a Top 10 Country Artist to Watch in 2014. Since then, Kaylee has not backed down and is consistently releasing new music for her many beloved fans. In 2019, she wowed her listeners with a new heartwarming single called "Kiss Me Like You Miss Me."

Kaylee has a sweet and soothing voice that sounds like it was made for country music. Along with an acoustic guitar and an energetic drum beat, Kaylee puts down some refined flirtation with her lyrics. Kaylee's abilities to tell a story within her lyrics allow her fans to engage themselves truly. Listeners will easily understand her feelings during her writing process for "Kiss Me Like You Miss Me." The song's lively melody is exceptionally catchy and sure to be in the heads of youthful, uplifting music lovers everywhere. "Kiss Me Like You Miss Me," will have fans waving their arms and feeling giddy about that special someone. Her natural vocal and instrumental talents, "Kiss Me Like You Miss Me," fit into the country music scene without any effort.

Listen to "Kiss Me Like You Miss Me" here.

Welcome to BuzzMusic Kaylee Rutland! The adorable message in "Kiss Me Like You Miss Me" has us all smiling from ear to ear! Can you tell us more about the lyrics of the song?

Y'all are way too sweet - thank you so much! The lyrics of "Kiss Me Like You Miss Me" are rooted in visuals, which we wanted to use so that the listener could almost see what was happening. Any songwriter wants those listening to feel like they're inside the story being told, and that was our goal with the sense of urgency and giddiness throughout the song. Feeling like I relate to the lyrics is something I love the most about country music, and I wanted my listeners to feel the same way!

What was your inspiration for such a thoughtful, romantic song?

That day in the writer's room, we started with the title (which my brilliant co-writer Patricia Conroy brought to the table). As the young girl in the room who had a crush on a boy who lived far away, I definitely steered the narrative of the song towards the idea of two people who are desperate to be together. So in some ways, this song comes from an authentic place for me!

Having released your first EP in 2012, can you tell us how your music style has evolved over time and on your latest EP, Every Minute Matters?

How crazy it is to look at how my music has changed in that time! (Can it really have been almost eight years?) I do think the most significant change would be maturity: in my sound, the quality of my writing, and the part I'm able to play in the decision-making process as all the parts of an EP come together. However, one thing that has stayed the same is the blend of a contemporary and traditional country that I love to play with. I hope that 2012 Kaylee would be proud of the music I'm making nowadays!

How did being named in Billboard Magazine's Top 10 Country Artists to Watch influence you as an artist? Did it inspire anything for your subsequent releases?

That was an incredibly humbling day, and being a part of that list was a surprise! I do think that experience made me realize that this dream could be a reality, and it only inspired me to work even harder at making it happen.

What can we expect to see from you next?

During quarantine, I'll be doing lots of online performances and sharing brand new songs as I write them! That being said, I'm looking forward to being able to get back out on the road as soon as possible!


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