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Kris Angelis Lyrics Offers Comfort and Relatability This Holiday Season

Born and raised on a farm in Florida, charismatic Singer/Songwriter Kris Angelis is gathering worldwide attention with her music.

Angelis has had numerous successes climbing the Americana radio charts and SiriusXM, as well as being on the first-round ballot for the Grammy Awards, making her an artist to be on the lookout for.

Known for her fusion of Folk, Pop, and Americana music Angelis has a gift for creating sonic portraits that captivate and draw listeners to her musical masterpieces.

Angelis latest release is a much-needed Christmas track featuring Abe Abraham. In “Maybe Let’s Not Do Christmas This Year,” Angelis is focusing on all of the troubles and events that have gone wrong in 2020; this song zones in on wanting to avoid the hardest time of all which for some is the holiday season.

In this track, Angelis offers listeners a wistful, and relatable track while making her way to the top. When asked in an interview with BuzzMusic she explains the inspiration behind the track was because the holidays are a tough and lonely time especially this year, she said “I don't know if my heart could take it. Let's just skip right to the new year"

Kris Angelis’s vulnerable and relatable lyrics comfort listeners to know that they are not alone in these feelings.

Learn more about her music here.



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