Hailing from Portland, Oregon, Michael White brings forth a new pop-based album that is derivative of a myriad of pop stylings. 'butterfly love' is the seven-track expose into Michael White’s music catalog and makes this the second album he’s released as an indie artist.
Claiming to be his best work yet, this assortment of love songs touches on situations where he’s had butterflies in his chest regarding certain crushes he’s experienced.
Taking our attention, the fifth song on the project, “gimme some time,” embraces a lulling atmosphere rich in vibrant emotion. The soothing energy poured into this piece of work has us swaying to every groove in a relaxed forcefield catered to free-flowing love.
Michael White has a robust persona that allows his persuasive lyrical motifs to make their way to your heart as soon as he chimes in. Gracefully emanating soulful croons with grace, his vocal textures shed a profound light on instrumentation fueled by funk and feel-good grooves.
Keeping you on your toes as the instrumentation brings contrasting elements of darker and glimmering frequencies through the instrumentation, there’s a classic spin on “gimme some time” as it hones timeless trademarks.
As Michael White professes a wistful performance of refreshing nature, he has you spinning on an axis as you keep up with his extensive vocal range and each break in the beat. You’re in for a treat the moment you press play on “gimme some time.”
Merely a glimpse into the melodic essence sprinkled throughout 'butterfly love,' listen to this pop composition that delves into the contemporary R&B realm from time to time.
With 2022 coming to an end, 2023 is a blank canvas for Michael White. Keeping the door open for whatever opportunities come his way, it’s safe to say he’s basking in the excellence heard across 'butterfly love.'
Welcome to BuzzMusic, Michael White! We’re excited to have you here to shed some light on your latest release! Love is a bold theme as we all experience it in ways that vary from the next person. What was it like tapping into this head and heart space while creating an album dedicated to it?
I think mentally; I was in a better place with this album. My last one was more based on heartbreak, but I finally found myself healing. I am not in a relationship, but this album was inspired by many crushes I had throughout the year. It was just fun. I enjoyed the process so much.
How did you get started on your musical journey? What has kept you going along the way?
I started in January 2019. Busted out a lot of music to find my sound and get myself out there. I love being creative, and I always get inspired by my peers. Music is just fun, and it’s always evolving each year. So I guess I keep going to keep music alive.
Could you please highlight what makes “gimme some more” that extra special track on the project? What picture does it paint as listeners can prepare for the rest of the album?
Give me some time is so fun. It’s special to me because it made me fall in love with funk music. It was also the most vocally challenging song to record. This album is about crushes I’ve had that have given me butterflies. Which I feel like a lot of listeners can relate to. Life’s too short. If you like someone and want to explore a relationship with them. Let them know.
What is your most profound memory surrounding the theme of love?
That’s a good question. I don’t think I have a distinct memory. I’ve loved only one person romantically and stayed for the wrong reasons. The memories quickly transitioned from good to bad. So I’m hoping I can make a memory happen in the future.
We know how important the musical inspiration of other artists can be to a creative person on their journey. Who would be your dream collaborator, and why?
Oh, that’s a good question. Earth Wind & Fire would be so fun. I’m also digging Michael Medrano. He’s a disco funk pop lgbtq+ artist in Los Angeles. One of the many inspirations came to me with this project and for future project ideas.