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Mind Ripple brings a new sound to the Alternative Rock scene with “Nothing New Under The Sun”

Formed in 2010 in Athens, Greece, Mind Ripple has been playing various bars and venues in their area for the better part of a decade. Members of Mind Ripple include Stefanos Katis on vocals, Haris Katis on vocals, keys, and guitar, George Lambadis on guitar, George Gazis on bass, and Makis Kolaitis on drums. Previously under the name Disconnected, the 5-piece alternative rock band is ready to reintroduce themselves as Mind Ripple deliver new music with their album “Mirror Stage”. 

Featured on Mind Ripple’s debut album, “Nothing New Under The Sun” offers an underlying sentiment that seems fairly inspiring and of depth. The poetic references intertwine, inviting the listener to consider these ideas, these instances of advice, and to feel the embrace of the music as its weight and intensity fills the room. Vocally the song is delivered in a manner that feels very heartwarming initially, particularly during the verses, but moves on to gather a momentum that feels more full. The further you listen to “Nothing New Under The Sun”, the more you acclimatize to Mind Ripple’s style, their sound is loaded with personality. Throughout the entirity of this track you start to appreciate and engage with the unique nature of their lyrics and the way they structure their songs even more. We highly recommend checking out “Nothing New Under The Sun”! 

Listen to “Nothing New Under The Sun” here and read more with Mind Ripple below! 

Hey Mind Ripple! How has the music world been treating you so far throughout 2019?

2019 has been very exciting so far because we finally got to release our debut album “Mirror Stage”, which we have been working on since 2017. But, since we are an independent band, it was also a quite challenging year.

We had to deal with issues such as trademark registration, copyright and loyalties which was sometimes quite overwhelming and to be honest a little discouraging. Furthermore, in our country there are still a lot of bureaucratic matters concerning intellectual property on digital media. However, where there’s a will, there’s a way!

We’ve learnt a lot and so far and we have received a number of good reviews and positive feedback from our audience.

We immediately found that “Nothing New Under The Sun” captured an alluring melody with so many different elements! It's what caught, and ultimately kept our attention! What was the overall mood you wanted to set for listeners in this particular track?

Even though the song’s subject matter is how overwhelming the fear of loss can be, we have tried to utilize a contrast between verse and chorus in terms of “mood” to signify different stages in the process of coming to terms with said loss. In the verse there is prominent sense through minor harmony of despondency and gloominess and in the chorus the more energetic expression of instruments and voices signifies a form of relief, of accepting change.

How did the songwriting and recording process execute for “Nothing New Under The Sun”? Did you fall into any creative slumps while initially writing the track, or does the curation process flow naturally for you guys?

Usually, it is a back and forth process, between the members of the band. Long hour conversations and rehearsals on various concepts, writing our thoughts down that will later be turned into lyrics and music.

However, “Nothing New Under The Sun” was an exception. It was of the few songs that was completed very fast. It originated from the bass line and every instrument took its place in the arrangement like the missing part of a puzzle.

Can you dive into the meaning behind the lyrics for this song?

“Nothing new under the sun”, is inspired by the innate fear of loss. What that loss might be referring to might differ from person to person. In any case, though, there are people that can help your overcome you fear and realize that you are not the only one experiencing such struggles. Most importantly, you have to allow yourself to be helped. At the end of the day, there is nothing new under the sun.

Thank you so much for chatting with us! We’re looking forward to listening to “Mirror Stage” in full! What’s the overall concept of this project?

The album is an ode to the self-defining milestones in one’s existence. It’s an attempt to look at these experiences from a distance and understand how they shape you as a person. The songs are based on the internal quests and truth-seeking endeavors of the band members and the title of the album is inspired by the theory of Jacques Lacan.



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