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Noumenah’s New Release "Liquescent" Is Anything but Typical

February 21 | BuzzMusic

Noumenah is the brainchild of Andrew John Napier. His new single "Liquescent" is like nothing we have heard before. Noumenah follows the standardized rules of music and then breaks those rules. During his musical training, he immersed himself in electronic music, studying it from various perspectives. More recently, he has explored melodies from Western classical and jazz. He borrows particular qualities from each genre and then combines them into something unusual. With echoing beats that shift the song toward a peaceful introduction in andante, only to build to a crescendo and flows into a fast-paced chorus.

We recognize that the song’s structure takes many cues from classical music. Noumenah, however, uses no stereotypical sounds in the production of this song. Instead of a snap or clap on each fourth beat, he uses a sound resembling something like the unlocking of a bolt; exactly what this sound is, we can’t place, but that makes us even more curious to hear more. The vocals by Babia, are dream-like and ethereal. Unlike the typical voices of jazz, where timbre, vibrato, and rasp take center stage, Babia’s vocals are softened, yet powerful. Her soprano is unlike any singer in traditional Western classical music. Where in Opera, a singer bellows to express their power, Babia’s power is held in her ability to portray emotion. "Liquescent" is not just music; it breaks barriers and molds. It is an art and Noumenah is an innovative artist who will be making waves in the music industry all year.

Stream "Liquescent" here and connect with Noumenah on social media below.



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