When hip-hop bars walk the line of intentional spoken word, you know you're in for a treat. This is precisely what to prepare for with Veve C's latest single and music video, "Breeze."
Veve C's artistry revolves around her family and loved ones who helped inspire her unforgettable tracks that range from blissful r&b to equally chilling hip-hop. Veve C's dedication to her craft is evident throughout her discography, and she strives to spread messages of life lessons that resonate with anyone.
Listeners can better understand the recording artist through her diary-esque and conceptual new single, "Breeze." Veve C also released a beautiful and atmospheric music video for the track that sees her breathing away the negativity in life.
The "Breeze" music video peacefully opens with Veve C in front of a lakeside sunset outfitted in a drapey, sheer white ensemble. We also drift into scenes of C elegantly strolling through a side street dressed to the nines in a pageant gown and tiara.
As she begins spitting her spoken word-like bars, Veve C takes us through her attempts to become a better version of herself by breathing in what she needs and exhaling any negative intentions.
Veve C later makes her way into a bubble bath with a relaxing mud mask and hair curlers, showing us what keeps her going behind the scenes.
She later lays beside notes of written manifestations while gazing at the camera with a glittering glare that locks you in. This video is truly a breath of fresh, positive air, and we're sure viewers will adore the overall self-care feel.
Feel the "Breeze" of Veve C's latest single and music video. Find the single on all digital streaming platforms and the video on YouTube.
Welcome to BuzzMusic, Veve C. You have us breathing out the negativity with your latest music video, "Breeze." What inspired you to write a song about becoming the best version of yourself?
First, I want to thank you so much for taking the time to interview me as this is still a surreal moment for me. At the time I wrote Breeze, I was at a moment in my life where I was reflecting a lot on when I was in high school and how far I've come since I graduated. I wanted people to see my vulnerable side and how I can give a positive perspective on the negative experiences I went through. When I talk about my diary and mention "I was thin, I was ugly, I'm an idiot, patched kid with no hair, etc.) these were actual words that people called me in high school back when I was undergoing an OCD hair condition called "trichotillomania". I was in my worst state of depression, where I lost motivation to do everything. So to be where I'm at now and not having any of those issues anymore inspired me to write that song as part of my journey in life.
How do the scenes in the "Breeze" music video reflect the song's concept? What do these scenes represent?
I wanted to give a more "peaceful" vibe to the song by wearing outfits that would give it a "breeze-like" way. The white dress with the tiara symbolizes growth as I became stronger from the challenges I faced. The bathtub scene symbolized washing all the negativity away (literally) and being able to be at peace. The Plum Point scene with the white bikini symbolized another journey in my life that would foreshadow good things and the sunset gave the element of a new beginning. Lastly, the diary scene where I was in my pink mesh robe symbolized me reflecting on my past memories and giving closure to the situations that helped shape me today. Did you have any helping hands when creating the "Breeze" music video? What was that experience like?
Of course! Between my father and my little brother Shawn who helped me throughout this entire process, and my bro Roshawn Strong (who filmed "Breeze"), I was able to portray the vision I had for the song in the best way that I could. Although some moments were challenging because it was so cold, it was easy working with Roshawn because we had the same vision for the visuals I had in mind, and he was able to bring it to life! It was a challenging experience for me being that I did my own hair, makeup, and styling, but I love being hands-on with everything, and being able to self-direct myself in my video was a lot of fun! How do you hope listeners react to the "Breeze" single and music video? Do you hope it evokes a sense of well-being and positivity?
I want people to feel a calm vibe when listening to my song and understand why I chose the visuals that were illustrated in the music video. I also want people to know that I'm human too and that I've overcome some obstacles I never thought I would be able to. I really hope that they at least understand where I came from with the song if they don't like it but I hope they like it!
What's next for you?
I have so many projects coming up! I'm working on my second album "Reflection" that will feature some hits I think the mainstream media will enjoy (at least I hope they do) and will release a few singles sometime soon this year (Beginning To An End, Birthday Twin, and Reflection). also still model and act so you may see me in some featured films, such as "The Fearless Three" and "The Flaws In Your Eyes" and may even see me again for NYFW and more! I can't wait to show the world more of my crafts and I just want to have fun doing them all!