Rooted in Greek Orthodox tradition, Saint Kyriaki draws her name from the Great Martyr, Saint Kyriaki. Released on her birthday, 'Dreamland 1111' is the debut album from Saint Kyriaki.
Magically aligned with a spiritual presence, the album is heavily influenced by language as an artistic expression of creative filmmaking to convey colors and celebrate other artists and the divine femininity.
Embracing an impactful universe that navigates us through eclectic elements, Saint Kyriaki's title track, "Dreamland 111," is the embodiment of mind-altering phenomena. Redefining organized chaos, the powerful synth layers transition into a soothing realm of feathery textures, further propelling us into a whirlwind of abstract spirits.
What we admire the most about Saint Kyriaki has to be the fact that she genuinely contorts the norm for a resonance that stands strong above the rest. This sonic voyage allows our mind to venture into the cinematic world, offering us a brilliant hurdle across the woven components that illuminate in "Dreamland 1111."
Being the album's lead single, there is a significant amount of pressure applied to this record; let us tell you: Saint Kyriaki exceeds all expectations in place. By having us exercise our mind with the vivid imagery that accompanies such a heavy-hitting single, we're taken into her shoes at the time of creation.
Bolstered within the foundation, she graciously provides for us, the theatrics of the instrumentation intertwine with protruding emotions and feelings that reside within us. Saint Kyriaki gives us a sliver of what to expect on the mind-bending album with 'Dreamland 1111,' and for that, we're eternally grateful.
Welcome to BuzzMusic, Saint Kyriaki! Congratulations on the release of "Dreamland 1111." The sounds heard on the title track immediately set a weighty tone in place. If this tone could talk, what would you want it to say?
Thank you so much! The tone is inspiration, it was created to inspire oneself to get past their own everyday muck and shapeshift into something fresh, into something new. It would also be very evocative in its tone. Hitting hearts through gender femininity will be addressed in all genders. Just like in the voice of the 4 lyrical track, "Express yourself no matter what anyone else thinks or says, Express yourself, Reach deeper into your own heart". Think beyond the box and come up with new ideas. Embrace your individuality; you were born to be noticed.
There is also a line in the track Kyriaki in Dreamland 1111 that goes “Lift me, shift me, pivot me, to the left to the right. Pivot me to my ultimate higher self.” This signifies that you have no boundaries. It takes some sort of risk to realize your maximum potential, so you must think beyond the box. Dream and ask yourself, what is your aim, what is your dream if you are absolutely convinced that you will not fail and no one can get in your way? "Courage to face your personal demons." a phrase from the track Kyriaki in Huntress Artemis. You have to start with yourself. The music will make you feel so uncomfortable that you will break down all that does not serve you so that you can melt into another realm of yourself.
What's the significance behind 1111 and Dreamland to you? What inspired you to turn this concept into an album?
Claiming and reclaiming one's true pure power. My birthday 1111 is considered to be an angelic number. Saint Kyriaki - the Great Martyr - is a perfect artist name for me because of my Greek heritage, it’s my birth name who I was named after. 1111 means new beginnings, inspiration to move forward, inspired action, prosperity, independence, and leadership are all associated with the number 11. If you've been putting off taking advantage of your individualism, now is the perfect time to do it! This is a sign from the Universe that one could take some time to connect with one's Higher Self, the part of you that knows what is best for you at all times and is a direct connection to the source of all that exists. There will be room for something fresh and exciting to fill your life if you take the time to reflect on your inner self and eliminate any habits or beliefs that no longer serve your highest good. This high-vibrational number indicates that you are on the path to greater spiritual awareness and growth. Maybe it's on your phone that you see 1111. MANIFEST. It's time to make your dreams come true! Do it in tandem with action. The Universe and angels encourage your spiritual growth and all you seek will be revealed in perfect Divine timing. Also, I love fantasy and play, growing up reading all the great poets, for example, Mark Twain, on dreaming and exploring, this gifted me permission at a young age to expand my wings and really dream and explore.
How does it feel to have this project out and in the ears of the public? How long in the making was it?
It feels real AF and magical! It's inspiring. I released the record on 11:11 on my birthday with a dual drop with Harmonic Light at his NFT gallery in Venice, CA. Over 200 people showed up to the event and everyone loved the album so much they played it two times in a row.
We were able to share our passion for art. NFT auction for Harmonic Light and Dreamland 1111 was made available on the blockchain at exactly the same time. Harmonic light exemplified their NFT Long Exposure Light Painting Portrait Sessions as well. At 11 a.m. and 11 p.m., respectively, I released two music videos featuring Kyriaki in the roles of Micarles Go to Marz and Dreamland 1111. I spent a year on and off working on the 11 tracks and Nicky Scorpio meticulously mixed and engineered the beats. I'd also like to take this moment to thank everyone who helped make this happen. We created a big impact!
Videos can be seen here. - Saint Kyriaki - Miracles go to Marz (Official Music Video) - Saint Kyriaki - Dreamland 1111 (Official Music Video)
Cinematographer: Clinton H. Wallace
Editor & Colourist: Nicky Scorpio
Executive Assistant to Katie: Melbert Sen Dancel
Physical art & graffiti artists:
ETHOS Artists - MRSN Car art Ethos #JTBurke
A very special thanks to:
Harmonic light’s NFT gallery and photo studio Andreas of Dynamic Eye Studios
What's your mission statement as an artist? How does "Dreamland 1111" represent this?
Show up and "JUST DO IT." This is my single claim to fame, both as an artist and as a human being. Not allowing it to just let thoughts sit there in one's head. Make it happen by writing it down, showing up for yourself and others, and doing it. It's going to get messy at first, but I'm confident it will all work out through the journey. Ideas are being birthed non-stop, it’s up to us if we catch the wave to nurture and help it come to life. DIVINE TIMING. As with the record, you won't hear anything like Dreamland 1111 anywhere else; it's out of this world. It MAKES you uncomfortable, it soothes your soul, it's unsettling to be compelled to express oneself, be original, and JUST DO YOU!