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Stella Stephney Brings A Passion Filled Vocal in “I Miss You”

Stella Stephney released her song “I Miss You”. " I Miss You" has taken us back into the classic decades of when music felt-good and R&B was booming. We played “I Miss You” by Stella Stephney on full volume and the response received from our office was outstanding. This showed us that Stella Stephney has a one of a kind voice that is rare to come across. Stella Stephney has a classic, timeless voice and it carries us into the past. It was such a refreshing song to listen to. Many singers nowadays can’t deliver ballads that move people due to how much of the production today is computerized. Stella gives us a glimpse of what music could be had the industry been based on talent alone like it was in the past.

“I Miss You” was a beautiful song that we couldn’t help but fall in love with. Every element to “I Miss You” was classically arranged to give us a feel of the 80s and 90s. “I Miss You” pulls you in with a texturized production that was authentically driven. Everything was highly natural and raw. The melodies throughout "I Miss You" flowed with one another seamlessly. Stella Stephney is similar to the musical greats of the past like Michele and Diana Ross. Stella Stephney is what this current market of music is missing, she brings you in with a melodic touch that’s irresistible and easily absorbable.

Listen to “I Miss You” by Stella Stephney here!


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