If you appreciate good quality, raw-styled alt/rock sound, then we have two things to tell you: one, The Jena System is your new go-to, head-banging American punk band and two, their latest song, "Lost," is the next song to add on your daily playlist.
Composed of guitarist and lead guitarist Bobby Boykin and Alex Fry, as well as vocalist Zach Baker, The Jena System officially joined forces in 2019 to shine a light on the best of 90s/00s melodic punk styles. Fast-forward two years and The Jena System releases "Lost," which is hot off of their album, titled "Fascinistas."
Prepare to be taken on a wild ride in "Lost" and don't expect to have control of the driver's seat! The song's beat is jam-packed with vibrancy, life, aggression, wit, and all that good soul stuff you'd expect an alt/punk song to possess. With strong, powerful, and confident guitar riffs, combined with striking vocals, "Lost" becomes the song you can't get off of your mind once exposed to. Too many rhythmic patterns come to light. If you're a frequent listener of the band, you'll recognize the familiar punches. If you're a newbie, you'll definitely feel the impact.
"Lost" has bold and assertive tones with complex and yet easy-to-follow narratives. The Jena System brings a refreshing perspective to the punk genre with its hardcore, classically punk-rooted urbanity. Eventually, curiosity may spark and you may find yourself making your way through the rest of their album.
Experience the band's punch today and listen to "Lost," available on major streaming platforms.
A warm welcome to BuzzMusic, The Jena System, and congratulations on the release of "Lost," as well as the album 'Fascinistas.' What was the experience like for the band in creating the album, as well as the track "Lost?"
Recording 'Fascinistas' was a new experience for us, previously we recorded our demo titled “Demo-rall” 100% DIY, and none of us are producers or engineers, so it was nice getting in the studio with Larry Elyea at Mind’s Eye Studios and creating the product which we envisioned. We had put the recording on the back burner due to COVID, so it was nice to finally get these songs, which were written over a year before we made it to the studio, recorded and out to the masses. Our bass player, Cole, may have articulated it best, “There was just amazing energy around the band during that time. I mean I can’t speak for everyone in the band, but for me personally every time I stuffed myself into that leather gimp suit I felt… just closer to my muse.”
There was such creative exploration in "Lost." Can you expand more on the lyrical formula of the song and what inspired the content?
As far as the lyrical content, it is a mash-up of different terminology from the film-making industry used as a metaphor to describe an “on-again, off-again relationship” and the shortcomings of the people involved. Basically using film industry innuendos to explore the theme of love, loss, and relationships. And when we say film making industry we are strictly talking about porn. Like not your mom and dad's porn, but the super dirty grimy shit. For the musical side, there isn’t too much of a story to it. Honestly, we had been watching a lot of the show “Lost” at the time and somehow, someway, the music evolved out of a combination of boofing various drugs and that tv show.
With familiar elements to "Lost," such as assertive soundscapes paired with equally authoritative vocals, what overall trend were you hoping to see amongst your listener's response to the song?
We just write the music and play it. There was nothing we were hoping to see except our fans digging the song. We aren’t the type of band that overthinks the music, we just write what comes, we aren’t trying to be “punk” or trying to be anything, we just write what comes naturally, nothing is forced. I think a lot of the songs, including “Lost”, have the fingerprints of whatever we have been listening to. This record has a lot of No Use For A Name, Alkaline Trio, And Teenage Bottlerocket influence because, well, those bands fucking shred.
Since the band has released "Lost" as well as the album the song features on, how have you found that your headspaces are now, compared to when it was being written and recorded?
Our headspace as a band remains the same, we grind, we practice, we gig, and we continue to refine our craft. We have had an insanely great response to “Fascinistas”, but that just means we must grind harder. The bands that stick around and do well are all bands that continuously put forth effort into evolving and becoming great. The only difference for us is that we strive to be supremely mediocre. Our philosophy is based on the tempering of expectations. We strive to set the bar really really low so that no one expects shit out of us.
What's next for you?
Next for us is a few local shows and then Bridge City Music Festival in Portland, OR. We have already started writing the next record and will most likely be back in the studio towards the end of 2022 with a new record in early 2023. Aside from doing super weird and very dirty deeds at 27th Ave. and Indian School here in Phoenix, AZ, we will just continue to do what we do… which really isn’t much.