Each musical instrument is different, but there are many similarities between many of them. The piano and the guitar are both stringed instruments that require discipline and technique to master. They also need a lot of practice.
The guitar and piano share a similar quality in that they are both chromatic and can reach every note on the chromatic scale. The similarity makes it easy for anyone who wants to switch between the two instruments to do with ease. Learning either can be very easy. However, the teachings can only apply if you switch between the piano and the guitar.
Playing differences
The guitar is a stringed wooden instrument that uses a pick to play the strings.
The movement is known as strumming. To successfully strum your guitar, you will need to keep your elbow out of the way and closer to the base of your guitar. Doing that allows your hand to move freely without blocking any of the strings.
The piano is also a wooden instrument with strings hit by a hammer inside the piano every time you press a key. There are roughly 230 strings in a piano, but this number could change depending on the type of piano. Each key strings three strings, and for base notes, two strings are strung at a time, lowering the string amount as the bass drops. You could quickly tell the difference from the basic upright down to the best baby grand piano.
Key positions
Pianos use singular key positions for every key and will not have the same sound coming from two different keys simultaneously. The notes are not repetitive and can only be found in one place. Each chord, note, or scale is in its place for that particular sound. To create a harmonious sound, you would have to select a few keys simultaneously.
Guitars are the opposite because you can easily find the same key in different places on the guitar's fretboard. The same key could be repeated several times at once, which gives the guitar its harmonious sound. Even though there are only six strings on the guitar, you can find a multitude of notes, scales, and chords simultaneously while playing the duplicate keys.
Learning between the two instruments
If you think about the piano and the guitar, they could seem like complete opposites. The instrument personalities range from soft and romantic to wild and playful. The music selections for which each instrument is used plays testament to the way the purpose of the instrument. Many people associate rock and roll with guitars, where classical and instrumental jazz is most likely to be heard from a piano.
Learning to play the piano would be easier because there is individuality in the sound of the keys, making it easier to listen to each key that you are playing without getting confused with where it sits on the keyboard.
The guitar is widely used, and because of the instrument’s popularity as the base for many songs, you could master the art of playing it in a few short months. What would make it easier to understand is learning to play the piano first and then transitioning onto the guitar. Once you have learned to understand the piano music sheets, the guitar will be a breeze.
Article by: Broughton Pianos