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Trailer Swift Channels Raw, Visceral Emotions On Their Latest Single, “Cross My Heart”

Writer's picture: BUZZ LABUZZ LA

In the ever-competitive world of music, it’s rare to find bands who can showcase their considerable talent while managing not to take themselves too seriously. However, Trailer Swift walks this line like a seasoned pro, approaching their craft with the energy that makes you feel like they are having fun. With a free and fully unrestrained sound, they’ve been steadily carving out a niche for themselves in the Boston music scene, and with their level of talent, the sky’s the limit.

A continuation of their quest to constantly push musical and conceptual boundaries, Trailer Swift's new single "Cross My Heart" is an honest and raw representation of outbursts and breakdowns, skillfully expressed as a slow-burn space rock track. The song, which serves as the lead single for their forthcoming album Variant (out on June 16th via Mint 400 Records), is a testament to the band's ability to craft genuine, powerful, and moving music.

Over flawlessly integrated drums and guitars that undulate and mimic the ups and downs of an outburst and lay your soul bare, lead vocalist Michael Crockett drops lines like “I’ll cross my heart, then hope to die in a way that we all can agree on” with the kind of emotion that simply stirs something within you. In “Cross My Heart,” Trailer Swift showed that their music is the real deal even if they may not take themselves too seriously.

Trailer Swift’s “Cross My Heart” is a testament to the band’s ability to capture the raw, visceral emotions that move us and masterfully incorporate them into their music. Whenever you’re ready, tap in and stream “Cross My Heart,” available June 16th.

Welcome to BuzzMusic! “Cross My Heart” is excellent. It reminds us of a mix of indie rock bands we grew up listening to in the mid-2000s. What music were you listening to when writing it, and what prompted you to choose it as the lead single off your upcoming LP, Variant?

Each of us works on these songs together at practice, so many different influences are built into the song, but when I (Crockett) sent my demo to the band, I was listening to Pile and Dinosaur Jr. a lot. It was written during the pandemic, so we had time to work on it repeatedly, crafting it to be the closest to the sound we have been trying to get. It seemed like we finally found out what we sound like.

The song feels real and personal, which is probably why it resonates so much. Did you draw inspiration from real-life events?

The short answer is yes, but it’s more fiction than fact. The plot is a love song about broken promises, which I must believe is very common—just trying to be as honest as I can in the song.

We read it was difficult for you to come up with a band name, and you just sort of landed on Trailer Swift. Do you remember the lightbulb moment when you were all in agreement that it was going to stick?

There was no lightbulb moment. It just works, it’s clever, everyone remembers it, it was either that or Cheep Jerokee and every other band is White Lion this, White Lion that.

The music video had us cracking up. The "younger/hipper" band and the label guys are perfectly cast. How did the video concept come about? How did you find the actors? And please tell us about the director.

All credit goes to David James from DFJ Media, and the concept came quickly to us to make fun of our own music. David James just got it and shot and edited it to perfection in the blink of an eye. The cast were all our friends. Then it took us three months to write 4 lines of dialogue that hopefully didn’t suck.

We've seen post-punk, indie rock thrown around to describe your sound, but how would you describe your music to the uninitiated?

My friend Pete said we are an Emo band, we have no idea, but we like the idea of progressive past tense.

So with your album Variant dropping soon (June 16th), how stoked are you to release the entire project?

The period after a long sentence starts with the word pandemic. It’s good to let it out.

Is there anyone you want to shout out that deserves credit before we wrap this up?

Ethan Dussault from New Alliance, Nick Z from New Alliance East, Neil from Mint400, David James from DFJ Media, Anngelle from Boston Emissions, Anna, Jack, Colman, other Jack, Jason, and Jeff for being so great in the video, The Midway, Tiny Oak Booking, Blowing Smoke with Twisted Rico podcast.

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