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TYG Radiates a Deep Connection with Single “Don’t Fall”

Hailing from Dublin, Ireland, TYG is not only a talented songwriter; he is also a charitable person. He has decided to donate 100% of the proceeds of his new single “Don’t Fall” to Pieta House – a support system for those who engage in self-harm.

Having had a passion for music since a very young age, TYG was enrolled in BIMM Dublin and Ballyfermot Music College. His natural talent and musical education are evident when you listen to just one of his songs. His first single “Search for Freedom” was absorbed very well by his fans, and he released his next single “Don’t Fall,” soon after.

Opening with an elegant plucking of an acoustic guitar, TYG soon joins the melody with his vocals. He maintains the state of ease created by the acoustic soundtrack and his thoughtful lyrics. TYG has a naturally appealing voice and, at times, becomes raspy to display his passion. It’s the type of song that makes you want to curl up with a loved one and never let them go. On top of “Don’t Fall’s” romantic musical energy, TYG maintains this message through his uplifting songwriting. His lyrics encourage a deep connection with emotions. TYG sings to a loved one, “don’t fall out of my life.” His raw passion and authenticity are contagious for fans. With its message of hope and deep connection, fans can’t go wrong with TYG’s catchy, stripped-down single “Don’t Fall.”

Why did you choose to donate 100% of your proceeds from “Don’t Fall” to Pieta House?

The lockdown was very difficult for everybody but particularly those who suffer from there mental health. Pieta House is a great organization that helps many people so I thought it would be a nice gesture.

What made you decide to create pop-folk style music?

My style of music manifested itself naturally, I think from a young age I've listened to folk music yet I have always appreciated the melodic quality of Pop music, to try and fuse the two I think is an interesting idea.

How did your education at BIMM Dublin and Ballyfermot Music College shape you to be the artist you are today?

I've been writing songs since I am a child so I don't really think either of the music colleges I attended shaped me as an artist. They certainly taught me a lot though and through being around other very talented young artists I learned new skills and techniques. I also met the band who played on Search For Freedom and who will also feature on my next single "One More Time". So they were very rewarding experiences.

What has been keeping you inspired this year? What can we expect to see next from you?

Music and creativity in themselves keep me inspired, I fell in love with writing songs many years ago and that passion for my craft keeps me inspired in itself. I will be releasing my third single "One More Time" in September. I am reuniting with the musicians I played with on Search For Freedom so I am very excited.


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