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Long Beach Artist Captures Us With New Hit “Martyr”

In the current age of R&B music, people are tending to become more attracted to the classic sensual energy that R&B possessed back in the day. R&B is not only soulful but it’s also a highly seductive multifaceted genre and many of the iconic R&B songs we know of are catered to the lovemaking late night vibes, and or romantic ballads that creates meaningful moments while listening. Christopher Klint, an upcoming artistic perception who grew up in a family of music in Long Beach, CA is an indicator of the new age classic. His family were instrumentalists which made him a natural at the baritone saxophone back in high school. He recorded his debut single “Ride The Wave” in his student corridor room in college. After many more releases, performances, and positive feedback from others, Christopher is back with his vibe “Martyr”. The song beat has this nice smooth trap beat that progresses throughout the tune. Christopher begins with serenading his listeners with his trendy and wavy vocal style that reminds me of singers like Bryson Tiller. After showcasing his detailed vocal tone and sleek resonance, he gives us punchlines and metaphors while delivering a rap flow on his concurrent R&B beat. I believe “Martyr” could translate highly well across many different music lovers due to how popular fitting it is to the current culture of urban music. It could become a playlist success and skyrocket the career of Christopher Klint due to the appealing aura and flavorful aesthetic.

Don't miss out on Christopher's "Martyr" by checking it out on Spotify!

Scroll below to read the artist's exclusive interview!


Growing up in a musically inclined household, were you a fast learner when you began instrumental playing or was it somehow still challenging for you?

I would say I was a pretty fast-learner. It helped a lot too that I loved the saxophone and thought it would help me serenade all the girls. Even though I didn't succeed with serenading them, I was still heavily invested in music back in high school. I also have two very encouraging parents who love jazz which made me feel less bad about hurting their ears during the early sax practicing at home (sorry Mom and Dad!).

Do you notice any major improvements between the release of “Ride The Wave” to your release “Martyr”?

Definitely. The first thing I would say is the production quality. For Ride the Wave, I mixed and mastered everything myself while on Martyr I had major help from my friend (and one hell of a producer) Daniel Saouk. He produced, mixed, and mastered Martyr and he has really taught me a lot about the production process. Feel free to show him love on IG (@dsaouk)!

The second thing I would say is the artistic depth between the two songs. What I mean is that, for me, Martyr was an opportunity to try something new for me as an artist and I really felt more invested in being innovative in comparison to Ride the Wave. I still love Ride the Wave of course, but it comes across as more of a party/summer song in comparison.

What kind of vibe do you think the listeners should have or receive while listening to “Martyr”?

I think the vibe the listeners should expect is a mixture of chill/laid-back intensity. I know that description doesn't make too much sense, but the song itself takes you on this journey between varying levels of intensity from start to finish. I believe it also depends on how much the lyrics resonate with you as a listener. My vision was to write a song for the struggles of overcoming setbacks and pursuing your dreams. If that's something that really hits home for you, then you will experience an increased level of intensity I think.

If you could’ve collaborated with any other mainstream artist of your choice for this song who would you have selected and why?

Definitely 6lack. He is one of my favorite artists right now and one of my huge inspirations. His musical ability to make any track a hit and take the listener on a journey with his storytelling really resonates with me. Plus, it would be amazing to meet and learn from him!

What is the big dream for you?

My big dream is definitely to go on a world tour. I love being on-stage and the thought of performing in front of a live audience that sold-out the venue gives me goosebumps just thinking about it. Another reason would be definitely the traveling. I want to touch people with my music and having the opportunity to meet fans in their city to exchange experiences and help one another is the ultimate goal for me.



Connect with Christopher via his Facebook and Instagram!

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