Coming to us from Houston, Texas, Jannexee Serrano is creating a melting pot of vibrant pop sounds on her latest single "Mi Vida."Jannexee creates all her songs in "Spanglish" which is a true representation of Houston's multicultural community while embracing her first-generation roots. The sound profile Jannexee has created on "Mi Vida" is an uncomplicated instrumental composition that highlights the importance of Jannexee's message.
"Mi Vida" is a stripped-down, honest account of life in quarantine. Writing from a place of vulnerability doesn't come easy for most artists, but Jannexee has embraced the uncertainty of not knowing what tomorrow brings while placing the memories of yesterday at the forefront of her mind.
Lyrics like "isolation helped take the venom out of my veins," and "all the memories you can have them, they will haunt you till your last day," is an emotional lyrical unpacking of unpleasant memories weighing Jannexee down, perhaps quarantine was good for the soul?
Jannexee's voice is placed front and center on "Mi Vida," with only a steady snare guiding the percussion along, as ambient tones resonate over Jannexee's melodic voice. This is what we mean by uncomplicated, there is nothing competing with Jannexee's smooth and harmonic vocals, which drives her heartfelt messages forth to the listener. During these complicated times, we employ you to simplify your world and listen to "Mi Vida" today.
Hello Jannexee and welcome to BuzzMusic. We were taken by your latest release "Mi Vida." We know it comes from a very honest and vulnerable place; can you tell our listeners a bit more about the messaging you have created within this song?
I wrote this song based on my experience during the quarantine. I know many of us have had to go through sudden changes such as working from home, not seeing our friends, and adjusting to a completely different daily routine. Mi Vida means my life in Spanish, I wanted to write about how although our lives have drastically changed, we still have control over our lives.
We certainly are not back to "normal" yet, how have you been able to connect with the music community in Houston during isolation?
Luckily, the Houston music community is a very tight niche, so we have all been keeping up with each other throughout social media.
It appears you've been able to shed some unpleasant memories during isolation that were highlighted within your lyrics. What do you feel you've gained from this experience in quarantine?
I would not call them unpleasant memories but during isolation, we all get memories that we have to learn to just let go. I believe I have gained a different way of looking back on my memories. Now I have accepted, they are just memories and I have my whole life to make more beautiful memories.
The instrumentals on "Mi Vida" and simple and unobtrusive. Why did you choose to pair your vocals with an uncomplicated instrumental composition?
I chose to pair it with my vocals because I love the simplicity of the beat. The reason why I chose to pair my vocals with this beat is that simple is always more. Having a simple beat carries a message more to the listener because during this time something simple is what we need in the middle of a change to society’s “norm.”
What are you currently working on Jannexee?
I am currently on writing and recording more songs. You can expect to hear them very soon!